Meet Janine, The White Raven, whose journey began in 2021 when she felt adrift, like a balloon with no purpose. She asked “I need help” in her journal. The response came the next day through an email that was an invitation to a life-changing spiritual retreat. This marked the start of a year-long healing school where Janine discovered her innate healing abilities and found her true purpose. Now specializing in unconventional techniques, she weaves to address hidden trauma layers within the body and spirit, guiding individuals toward relief, resolution, and bringing their power back. Through her energy work, she helps clients tap into inner strength, resilience, and wisdom, fostering a journey of healing and transformation. Her holistic approach integrates ancient wisdom, energy healing, and modern trauma understandings, creating a catalyst for personal growth. She weaves with medicines such as shamanic, goddess, dragon, galactic beings, and angel energies. Janine provides a safe space for clients to share their journeys, acknowledging the depth of their longing for inner peace and clarity. Her greatest honor is guiding them to unveil the brilliance within. If you resonate with growth, healing, and change, The White Raven invites you to join her transformative journey. As a fun-loving unschooling mom of four, she resides on a farm with cows, dogs, cats, and a love for laughter, card games, fairies, and spirit animals.