Writer | Alchemist | Tech Sorceress | Quantum Temple Priestess
Aria is an eternal student of alchemical arts, energy, herbal and frequency medicines. It imbues all her work and her play. As a Writer, she crafts conscious digital content that encourages breath, wonder and synthesis of information in our overloaded world. She shares her gift of conversation, tried-and-tested practices, synthesized perspectives and real-life stories, so that any one, at any stage of life and experience, can learn to build new bridges of understanding, wonder to their own unique Soul-blueprint. Aria has been in the health tech world for over 15 years and ran a tech start-up in 2013. As a Tech Sorceress she bridges traditions of spiritual & energetic alchemy with emotional waves and mental constructs to transform daily interactions with our tech. She offers trainings that flip the paradigm where we experience being enslaved to our desires—amplified through our tech—into one where the Sovereign Human can bring technology back into harmony and healing for the self and for the world. She holds Quantum Temple Gatherings where conventional beliefs can be lovingly challenged to make room for Soul-led vision.